Dillon Bordeleau portrait

Hey there! My name's Dillon. I'm a third-year Computer Science/Software Engineering student seeking internship/co-op opportunities. I enjoy building websites and creative problem solving. My focus is full-stack development. My current skills include: TypeScript/JavaScript, React, Node.js, Next.js & Express, Tailwind CSS, SQL/PostgreSQL, Python, Flask, Pandas and PyTorch.

About Me

I decided to pursue my passion for programming after being laid off from Shopify support in 2023. I've enjoyed solving problems with software since my early teens but I had never formally studied computer science. I enrolled full-time at Carleton University in the fall of 2024 and have been studying full-time since. In addition to my coursework, I have been learning front-end development and working on some independent projects in my free time. I'm seeking full-time internship opportunities for Summer 2025 where I can continue to develop my skills and excel as an important part of your team. I am also interested in part-time opportunities ahead of the summer.

When I'm not programming I like to read, play video games and listen to hip-hop music. I am always learning and familiarizing myself with new technologies. Most recently I have been studying Android development in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose. I also have a background in Neuroscience, which I studied at Carleton University before enrolling in Computer Science. You can read my undergraduate research here. I continue to consume Neuroscience literature and have a keen interest in human-computer interactions and brain-computer interfaces.

My Projects

Fantasy Hockey Database App

This is a Next.js app that allows users to make requests to a PostgreSQL database and view historical league data for a fantasy hockey league. I built the database myself and imported the fantasy stats with Python/Pandas. The website uses dynamic URLs to fetch appropriate data from the database.

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
  • Tailwind

South Park Randomizer

This is a web app that fetches random South Park episodes via the OMDB API. I built it using React, Tailwind and Express. The website features a dark mode toggle and the ability to filter out already seen episodes. The seen episode list has some entry and exit animations I wrote using framer motion.

  • TypeScript
  • Express.js
  • Tailwind
  • React
  • Framer Motion

Face Mask Detection AI

This is a two phase project I'm working on where I trained an AI to detect whether or not someone is wearing a face mask using a convolutional neural network. After training the model I built a simple API using Flask that allows the model to be deployed to the web to receive requests. The project includes a simple front-end where users can upload images for the model to make predictions about. Please note the live demo may take some time to respond as a limitation of the free hosting.

  • Python
  • PyTorch
  • Flask
  • JavaScript

Portfolio Website

This is a Next.js app I made to host my portfolio projects and help me connect with recruiters for internship opportunities. The website is a single page composed of react components I wrote and styled with Tailwind. Framer is used to animate components. You are viewing the live demo right now.

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind
  • Framer Motion

My Skills

  • Python
  • Pandas
  • Flask
  • PyTorch
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
  • Git
  • Tailwind
  • Framer
  • Bootstrap
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Jetpack Compose

Current Projects

Face Mask AI

I'm currently fine tuning the training loop for V3 of my face-detection AI. The next version of the model will be significantly better at distinguishing between masks worn correctly and incorrectly.

Embedded Systems Project w/ Raspberry Pi Pico

I'm nearly finished with a battery powered wifi thermometer I built using a Raspberry Pi Pico W. I wrote all the microcontroller code in C++. I'll be uploading the project to github soon along with a demo video.

Get in touch

You can reach me directly at DillonBordeleau@gmail.com or use this form.